[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch stable-3.1 updated. 3.1.5-27-g3360dbe6f

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Sun Jul 17 17:50:29 PDT 2022

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, stable-3.1 has been updated
       via  3360dbe6faf1ae6af0982cfd49f849c7cd977a4a (commit)
       via  a60c0ecdcc15a311ab73fb14391fc1102392611e (commit)
      from  8e981ef02241fdd2062f069e33ace4fc20bebd1f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 3360dbe6faf1ae6af0982cfd49f849c7cd977a4a
Author: Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us>
Date:   Sun Jul 17 19:45:05 2022 -0400

    Cost raster ST_Value. Reference #5154  for PostGIS 3.0.6

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 23ca3d556..ddec49fa9 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ PostGIS 3.1.6dev
   - #5114, Crash with long column names in pgsql2shp (Paul Ramsey)
   - #4541, ST_ConcaveHull returns a "geometrycollection" type
            instead of the expected "polygon" (Regina Obe)
+  - #5154, raster ST_Value is undercosted (Regina Obe)
 PostGIS 3.1.5
diff --git a/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis.sql.in b/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis.sql.in
index 1acfd2911..b112a39ed 100644
--- a/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis.sql.in
+++ b/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis.sql.in
@@ -4581,12 +4581,12 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION St_BandFileTimestamp(rast raster, band integer DEFAUL
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_value(rast raster, band integer, x integer, y integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean DEFAULT TRUE)
     RETURNS float8
     AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','RASTER_getPixelValue'
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_value(rast raster, x integer, y integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean DEFAULT TRUE)
     RETURNS float8
     AS $$ SELECT st_value($1, 1, $2, $3, $4) $$
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_value(rast raster, band integer, pt geometry, exclude_nodata_value boolean DEFAULT TRUE)
     RETURNS float8 AS
@@ -4614,12 +4614,12 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_value(rast raster, band integer, pt geometry, excl
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Value(rast raster, pt geometry, exclude_nodata_value boolean DEFAULT TRUE)
     RETURNS float8
     AS $$ SELECT @extschema at .ST_value($1, 1, $2, $3) $$
 -- ST_PixelOfValue()
diff --git a/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_proc_set_search_path.sql b/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_proc_set_search_path.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c947525f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_proc_set_search_path.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+DO language plpgsql $$DECLARE param_postgis_schema text;
+-- check if PostGIS is already installed
+param_postgis_schema = (SELECT n.nspname from pg_extension e join pg_namespace n on e.extnamespace = n.oid WHERE extname = 'postgis');
+-- if in middle install, it will be the current_schema or what was there already
+param_postgis_schema = COALESCE(param_postgis_schema, current_schema());
+IF param_postgis_schema != current_schema() THEN
+	EXECUTE 'set search_path TO ' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema);
+-- PostGIS set search path of functions
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  box3d(raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_summary(rast raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_makeemptyraster(width int, height int, upperleftx float8, upperlefty float8, pixelsize float8 ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_makeemptyraster(rast raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_band(rast raster, nband int ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_band(rast raster, nbands text, delimiter char  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_summarystats(
+	rast raster,
+	nband int ,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_summarystats(
+	rast raster,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxsummarystats(
+	rast raster,
+	nband int ,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxsummarystats(
+	rast raster,
+	nband int,
+	sample_percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxsummarystats(
+	rast raster,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean,
+	sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxsummarystats(
+	rast raster,
+	sample_percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_summarystats(
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	nband integer ,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_summarystats(
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	nband integer ,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_summarystats(
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxsummarystats(
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	nband integer ,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxsummarystats(
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	nband integer,
+	sample_percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxsummarystats(
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxsummarystats(
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	sample_percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_count(rast raster, nband int , exclude_nodata_value boolean , sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_count(rast raster, nband int , exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_count(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxcount(rast raster, nband int , exclude_nodata_value boolean , sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxcount(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxcount(rast raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxcount(rast raster, sample_percent double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_countagg_finalfn(agg agg_count ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  __st_countagg_transfn(
+	agg agg_count,
+	rast raster,
+ 	nband integer , exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_countagg_transfn(
+	agg agg_count,
+	rast raster,
+ 	nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean,
+	sample_percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_countagg_transfn(
+	agg agg_count,
+	rast raster,
+ 	nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_countagg_transfn(
+	agg agg_count,
+	rast raster,
+ 	exclude_nodata_value boolean
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_count(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer , exclude_nodata_value boolean , sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_count(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int , exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_count(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxcount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int , exclude_nodata_value boolean , sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxcount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxcount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxcount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband int,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean,
+	bins int,
+	right boolean,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband int,
+	bins int,
+	right boolean,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rast raster, nband int,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	bins int,
+	right boolean,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rast raster, nband int,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rast raster,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rast raster, nband int,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	bins int, width double precision[] ,
+	right boolean ,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rast raster, nband int,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	bins int, right boolean,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean,
+	bins int,
+	right boolean,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int,
+	bins int,
+	right boolean,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	bins int,
+	right boolean,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rastertable text, rastercolumn text,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	bins int, width double precision[] ,
+	right boolean ,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxhistogram(
+	rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int,
+	sample_percent double precision,
+	bins int,
+	right boolean,
+	OUT min double precision,
+	OUT max double precision,
+	OUT count bigint,
+	OUT percent double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	nband int,
+	quantiles double precision[],
+	OUT quantile double precision,
+	OUT value double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	quantiles double precision[],
+	OUT quantile double precision,
+	OUT value double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_quantile(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_quantile(rast raster, nband int, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_quantile(rast raster, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxquantile(
+	rast raster,
+	quantiles double precision[],
+	OUT quantile double precision,
+	OUT value double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxquantile(rast raster, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxquantile(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxquantile(rast raster, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	nband int,
+	quantiles double precision[],
+	OUT quantile double precision,
+	OUT value double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	quantiles double precision[],
+	OUT quantile double precision,
+	OUT value double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_quantile(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_quantile(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_quantile(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxquantile(
+	rastertable text,
+	rastercolumn text,
+	quantiles double precision[],
+	OUT quantile double precision,
+	OUT value double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxquantile(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxquantile(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband int, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_approxquantile(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuecount(rast raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuecount(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuecount(rast raster, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuepercent(rast raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuepercent(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuepercent(rast raster, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuecount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuecount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuecount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuepercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuepercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_valuepercent(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_reclass(rast raster, VARIADIC reclassargset reclassarg[] ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_reclass(rast raster, reclassexpr text, pixeltype text ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband int ,
+	colormap text ,
+	method text  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	colormap text,
+	method text  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_astiff(rast raster, options text[] , srid integer  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_astiff(rast raster, compression text, srid integer  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_asjpeg(rast raster, options text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_asjpeg(rast raster, nbands int[], quality int ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_asjpeg(rast raster, nband int, quality int ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_aspng(rast raster, options text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_aspng(rast raster, nbands int[], compression int ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_aspng(rast raster, nband int, compression int ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	geom geometry,
+	ref raster,
+	pixeltype text[] ,
+	value double precision[] ,
+	nodataval double precision[] ,
+	touched boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	ref raster,
+	algorithm text ,
+	maxerr double precision ,
+	usescale boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	ref raster,
+	usescale boolean,
+	algorithm text ,
+	maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_transform(rast raster, srid integer, algorithm text , maxerr double precision , scalex double precision , scaley double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_transform(rast raster, srid integer, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_transform(rast raster, srid integer, scalexy double precision, algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	alignto raster,
+	algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_rescale(rast raster, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_rescale(rast raster, scalexy double precision, algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_reskew(rast raster, skewx double precision, skewy double precision, algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_reskew(rast raster, skewxy double precision, algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_snaptogrid(
+	rast raster,
+	gridx double precision, gridy double precision,
+	algorithm text , maxerr double precision ,
+	scalex double precision , scaley double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_snaptogrid(
+	rast raster,
+	gridx double precision, gridy double precision,
+	scalex double precision, scaley double precision,
+	algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_snaptogrid(
+	rast raster,
+	gridx double precision, gridy double precision,
+	scalexy double precision,
+	algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	width text, height text,
+	algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	width integer, height integer,
+	algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	percentwidth double precision, percentheight double precision,
+	algorithm text , maxerr double precision  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_max4ma(matrix float[][], nodatamode text, variadic args text[] ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_min4ma(matrix float[][], nodatamode text, variadic args text[] ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_sum4ma(matrix float[][], nodatamode text, variadic args text[] ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_mean4ma(matrix float[][], nodatamode text, variadic args text[] ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_range4ma(matrix float[][], nodatamode text, variadic args text[] ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_mapalgebra(
+	rast raster, nband int[],
+	callbackfunc regprocedure,
+	pixeltype text ,
+	extenttype text , customextent raster ,
+	distancex integer , distancey integer ,
+	VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_convertarray4ma(value double precision[][] ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_max4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_min4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_sum4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_mean4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_range4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_invdistweight4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_mindist4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_slope4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband integer,
+	customextent raster,
+	pixeltype text , units text ,
+	scale double precision ,	interpolate_nodata boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_aspect4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband integer,
+	customextent raster,
+	pixeltype text , units text ,
+	interpolate_nodata boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_hillshade4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband integer,
+	customextent raster,
+	pixeltype text ,
+	azimuth double precision , altitude double precision ,
+	max_bright double precision , scale double precision ,
+	interpolate_nodata boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_tpi4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband integer,
+	customextent raster,
+	pixeltype text , interpolate_nodata boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_roughness4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband integer,
+	customextent raster,
+	pixeltype text , interpolate_nodata boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_tri4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband integer,
+	customextent raster,
+	pixeltype text ,	interpolate_nodata boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_grayscale4ma(value double precision[][][], pos integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rastbandargset rastbandarg[],
+	extenttype text  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+ 	redband integer ,
+ 	greenband integer ,
+ 	blueband integer ,
+	extenttype text  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_bandisnodata(rast raster, forceChecking boolean ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	band int ,
+	OUT pixeltype text,
+	OUT nodatavalue double precision,
+	OUT isoutdb boolean,
+	OUT path text,
+	OUT outdbbandnum integer,
+	OUT filesize bigint,
+	OUT filetimestamp bigint
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_value(rast raster, x integer, y integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_value(rast raster, band integer, pt geometry, exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  ST_Value(rast raster, pt geometry, exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	search double precision[],
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	OUT val double precision,
+	OUT x integer,
+	OUT y integer
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_pixelofvalue(
+	rast raster,
+	nband integer,
+	search double precision,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	OUT x integer,
+	OUT y integer
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_pixelofvalue(
+	rast raster,
+	search double precision,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	OUT x integer,
+	OUT y integer
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_georeference(rast raster, format text  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_setgeoreference(rast raster, georef text, format text  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_setgeoreference(
+	rast raster,
+	upperleftx double precision, upperlefty double precision,
+	scalex double precision, scaley double precision,
+	skewx double precision, skewy double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_setbandindex(rast raster, band integer, outdbindex integer, force boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband integer,
+	x integer, y integer,
+	width integer, height integer,
+	newvalue double precision,
+	keepnodata boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster,
+	x integer, y integer,
+	width integer, height integer,
+	newvalue double precision,
+	keepnodata boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_dumpvalues(rast raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_pixelaspolygons(
+	rast raster,
+	band integer ,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	OUT geom geometry,
+	OUT val double precision,
+	OUT x int,
+	OUT y int
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_pixelaspolygon(rast raster, x integer, y integer ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_pixelaspoints(
+	rast raster,
+	band integer ,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	OUT geom geometry,
+	OUT val double precision,
+	OUT x int,
+	OUT y int
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_pixelaspoint(rast raster, x integer, y integer ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_pixelascentroids(
+	rast raster,
+	band integer ,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean ,
+	OUT geom geometry,
+	OUT val double precision,
+	OUT x int,
+	OUT y int
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_pixelascentroid(rast raster, x integer, y integer ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_worldtorastercoord(
+	rast raster,
+	longitude double precision, latitude double precision,
+	OUT columnx integer,
+	OUT rowy integer
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_worldtorastercoord(
+	rast raster, pt geometry,
+	OUT columnx integer,
+	OUT rowy integer
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_worldtorastercoordx(rast raster, xw float8, yw float8 ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_worldtorastercoordx(rast raster, xw float8 ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_worldtorastercoordx(rast raster, pt geometry ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_worldtorastercoordy(rast raster, xw float8, yw float8 ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_worldtorastercoordy(rast raster, yw float8 ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_worldtorastercoordy(rast raster, pt geometry ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_rastertoworldcoord(
+	rast raster,
+	columnx integer, rowy integer,
+	OUT longitude double precision,
+	OUT latitude double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_rastertoworldcoordx(rast raster, xr int, yr int ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_rastertoworldcoordx(rast raster, xr int ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_rastertoworldcoordy(rast raster, xr int, yr int ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_rastertoworldcoordy(rast raster, yr int ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_asbinary(raster, outasin boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_hash(raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_eq(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_overleft(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_overright(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_left(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_right(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_overabove(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_overbelow(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_above(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_below(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_same(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_contained(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_contain(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_overlap(raster, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_geometry_contain(raster, geometry ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_contained_by_geometry(raster, geometry ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  raster_geometry_overlap(raster, geometry ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  geometry_raster_contain(geometry, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  geometry_contained_by_raster(geometry, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  geometry_raster_overlap(geometry, raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_samealignment(
+	ulx1 double precision, uly1 double precision, scalex1 double precision, scaley1 double precision, skewx1 double precision, skewy1 double precision,
+	ulx2 double precision, uly2 double precision, scalex2 double precision, scaley2 double precision, skewx2 double precision, skewy2 double precision
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_samealignment_transfn(agg agg_samealignment, rast raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _ST_samealignment_finalfn(agg agg_samealignment ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_iscoveragetile(rast raster, coverage raster, tilewidth integer, tileheight integer ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _st_intersects(geom geometry, rast raster, nband integer  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  ST_Intersection(geomin geometry, rast raster, band integer  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_intersection(rast raster, band integer, geomin geometry ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  ST_Intersection(rast raster, geomin geometry ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast1 raster, band1 int,
+	rast2 raster, band2 int,
+	returnband text ,
+	nodataval double precision[]  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	rast raster, nband integer[],
+	geom geometry,
+	nodataval double precision[] , crop boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_nearestvalue(
+	rast raster,
+	pt geometry,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_nearestvalue(
+	rast raster, band integer,
+	columnx integer, rowy integer,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_nearestvalue(
+	rast raster,
+	columnx integer, rowy integer,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_neighborhood(
+	rast raster, band integer,
+	columnx integer, rowy integer,
+	distancex integer, distancey integer,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_neighborhood(
+	rast raster,
+	columnx integer, rowy integer,
+	distancex integer, distancey integer,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_neighborhood(
+	rast raster, band integer,
+	pt geometry,
+	distancex integer, distancey integer,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_neighborhood(
+	rast raster,
+	pt geometry,
+	distancex integer, distancey integer,
+	exclude_nodata_value boolean  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_srid(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_scale(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, axis char ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_blocksize(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, axis text ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_extent(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_alignment(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_spatially_unique(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_coverage_tile(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_regular_blocking(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_num_bands(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_pixel_types(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_pixel_types(rast raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_nodata_values(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_nodata_values(rast raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_out_db(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_out_db(rast raster ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _raster_constraint_info_index(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  _overview_constraint_info(
+	ovschema name, ovtable name, ovcolumn name,
+	OUT refschema name, OUT reftable name, OUT refcolumn name, OUT factor integer
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	schema_name name, table_name name, column_name name,
+	new_srid integer
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	schema_name name, table_name name, column_name name,
+	new_srid integer
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+	table_name name, column_name name,
+	new_srid integer
+ ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  ST_Retile(tab regclass, col name, ext geometry, sfx float8, sfy float8, tw int, th int, algo text  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  ST_CreateOverview(tab regclass, col name, factor int, algo text  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
+EXECUTE 'ALTER FUNCTION  st_makeemptycoverage(tilewidth int, tileheight int, width int, height int, upperleftx float8, upperlefty float8, scalex float8, scaley float8, skewx float8, skewy float8, srid int4  ) SET search_path=' || quote_ident(param_postgis_schema) || ',pg_catalog;';
\ No newline at end of file

commit a60c0ecdcc15a311ab73fb14391fc1102392611e
Author: Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us>
Date:   Sun Jul 17 18:56:55 2022 -0400

    Generate md5 hash. References #5159 for PostGIS 3.1.6

diff --git a/ci/debbie/postgis_make_dist.sh b/ci/debbie/postgis_make_dist.sh
index c07091c2f..085ff20fa 100644
--- a/ci/debbie/postgis_make_dist.sh
+++ b/ci/debbie/postgis_make_dist.sh
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ export newoutdir="postgis-${POSTGIS_MAJOR_VERSION}.${POSTGIS_MINOR_VERSION}.${PO
 sh make_dist.sh
 export package=${newoutdir}.tar.gz
+md5sum ${package} > ${package}.md5
 echo "The package name is $package"
 cp $package $WEB_DIR
+cp ${package}.md5 $WEB_DIR
 bash ci/debbie/postgis_release_docs.sh


Summary of changes:
 NEWS                                            |   1 +
 ci/debbie/postgis_make_dist.sh                  |   2 +
 raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis.sql.in                   |   8 +-
 raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_proc_set_search_path.sql | 686 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 693 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_proc_set_search_path.sql


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