[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch master updated. 3.3.0rc2-678-g8f0c476ef

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Tue Feb 28 18:01:33 PST 2023

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  8f0c476ef71748e3f6ff7fe29d86b652d23c7f75 (commit)
      from  02738b2d252a7910bd84b04459bd12d6504af698 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 8f0c476ef71748e3f6ff7fe29d86b652d23c7f75
Author: Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
Date:   Wed Mar 1 03:01:35 2023 +0100

    Generate aggregate items of skip list

diff --git a/utils/create_skip_signatures.pl b/utils/create_skip_signatures.pl
index 9aa8f7d82..01492d742 100644
--- a/utils/create_skip_signatures.pl
+++ b/utils/create_skip_signatures.pl
@@ -62,6 +62,24 @@ sub strip_argument_names {
 	return @out;
+sub canonicalize_args {
+	my @args = @_;
+	my @out;
+	foreach ( @args )
+	{
+		my $a = $_;
+		$a =~ s/varchar/character varying/g;
+		$a =~ s/float8/double precision/g;
+		$a =~ s/\bint\b/integer/g;
+		$a =~ s/\bint4\b/integer/g;
+		$a =~ s/\bint8\b/bigint/g;
+		$a =~ s/\bchar\b/character/g;
+		$a =~ s/\bbool\b/boolean/g;
+		push @out, $a;
+	}
+	return @out;
 while (<>)
 	#print "XXX 0 $_";
@@ -75,6 +93,28 @@ while (<>)
 		print "TYPE $t\n";
+	# aggregate signature
+	if ( /^DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS\s+(.*)\((.*)\)/ )
+	{
+		my $name = lc($1);
+		my $args = lc($2);
+		s/^\s+//, s/\s+$// for $name;
+		$name =~ s/topology\.//g;
+		$args =~ s/topology\.//g;
+		my @args = split('\s*,\s*', $args);
+		@args = canonicalize_args(@args);
+		print "COMMENT AGGREGATE $name(" . join(', ', @args) . ")\n";
+		# For *aggregate* signature we are supposed to strip
+		# also argument names, which aint easy
+		my @unnamed_args = strip_argument_names(@args);
+		print "AGGREGATE $name(" . join(', ', @unnamed_args) . ")\n";
+	}
 	# Function signature
@@ -90,21 +130,14 @@ while (<>)
 		$line = lc($line);
 		$line =~ s/topology\.//g;
-		$line =~ s/varchar/character varying/g;
-		$line =~ s/float8/double precision/g;
-		$line =~ s/\bint\b/integer/g;
-		$line =~ s/\bint4\b/integer/g;
-		$line =~ s/\bint8\b/bigint/g;
-		$line =~ s/\bchar\b/character/g;
 		$line =~ m/ *([^\( ]*) *\((.*)\)/ or die "Unexpected DROP FUNCTION syntax: $origline";
 		my $name = lc($1);
 		my $args = lc($2);
-		s/^\s+//, s/\s+$// for $args;
-		#$args =~ s/\s*,\s*/,/g;
 		my @args = split('\s*,\s*', $args);
+		@args = canonicalize_args(@args);
 		print "COMMENT FUNCTION $name(" . join(', ', @args) .")\n";
diff --git a/utils/postgis_restore.pl.in b/utils/postgis_restore.pl.in
index fe797a324..cef63213e 100644
--- a/utils/postgis_restore.pl.in
+++ b/utils/postgis_restore.pl.in
@@ -499,41 +499,6 @@ ACL TABLE raster_columns
 ACL TABLE raster_overviews
 ACL TABLE spatial_ref_sys
 ACL TABLE topology
-AGGREGATE st_3dextent(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_3dunion(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_asflatgeobuf(anyelement)
-AGGREGATE st_asflatgeobuf(anyelement, boolean)
-AGGREGATE st_asflatgeobuf(anyelement, boolean, text)
-AGGREGATE st_asgeobuf(anyelement)
-AGGREGATE st_asgeobuf(anyelement, text)
-AGGREGATE st_asmvt(anyelement)
-AGGREGATE st_asmvt(anyelement, text)
-AGGREGATE st_asmvt(anyelement, text, integer)
-AGGREGATE st_asmvt(anyelement, text, integer, text)
-AGGREGATE st_asmvt(anyelement, text, integer, text, text)
-AGGREGATE st_clusterintersecting(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_clusterwithin(geometry, double precision)
-AGGREGATE st_collect(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_countagg(raster, boolean)
-AGGREGATE st_countagg(raster, integer, boolean)
-AGGREGATE st_countagg(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
-AGGREGATE st_extent(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_makeline(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_memcollect(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_memunion(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_polygonize(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_samealignment(raster)
-AGGREGATE st_summarystatsagg(raster, boolean, double precision)
-AGGREGATE st_summarystatsagg(raster, integer, boolean)
-AGGREGATE st_summarystatsagg(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
-AGGREGATE st_union(geometry)
-AGGREGATE st_union(geometry, double precision)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, integer)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, integer, text)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text)
-AGGREGATE st_union(raster, unionarg[])
-AGGREGATE topoelementarray_agg(topoelement)
 CAST (box2d AS box3d)
 CAST (box2d AS geometry)
 CAST (box3d AS box)
@@ -591,30 +556,6 @@ CAST (path AS geometry)
 CAST (point AS geometry)
 CAST (polygon AS geometry)
 CAST (text AS geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_3dextent(geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_3dunion(geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_clusterintersecting(geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_clusterwithin(geometry, double precision)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_collect(geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_countagg(raster, boolean)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_countagg(raster, integer, boolean)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_countagg(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_extent(geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_makeline(geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_memunion(geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_polygonize(geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_samealignment(raster)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_summarystatsagg(raster, boolean, double precision)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_summarystatsagg(raster, integer, boolean)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_summarystatsagg(raster, integer, boolean, double precision)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_union(geometry)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_union(geometry, gridsize double precision)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_union(raster)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_union(raster, integer)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_union(raster, integer, text)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_union(raster, text)
-COMMENT AGGREGATE st_union(raster, unionarg[])
-COMMENT AGGREGATE topoelementarray_agg(topoelement)
 COMMENT DOMAIN topoelement
 COMMENT DOMAIN topoelementarray
 COMMENT FUNCTION addrasterconstraints(rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, VARIADIC constraints text[])
@@ -702,8 +643,6 @@ FUNCTION json(geometry)
 FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text, text, timestamp without time zone)
 FUNCTION lockrow(text, text, text, timestamp without time zone)
 FUNCTION _overview_constraint_info(name, name, name)
-FUNCTION pgis_asflatgeobuf_transfn(internal, anyelement, boolean)
-FUNCTION pgis_asflatgeobuf_transfn(internal, anyelement, boolean, text)
 FUNCTION postgis_extensions_upgrade()
 FUNCTION st_asgeojson(record, text, integer, boolean)
 FUNCTION st_asmvtgeom(geometry, box2d, integer, integer, boolean)


Summary of changes:
 utils/create_skip_signatures.pl | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 utils/postgis_restore.pl.in     | 61 -----------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)


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