[SCM] PostGIS branch master updated. 3.5.0alpha2-17-g80806376a

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Fri Jul 26 10:43:26 PDT 2024

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The branch, master has been updated
       via  80806376a566ebd1b2edfe0dd0a69dc1c3f718cd (commit)
      from  87a34bf2fe13c48c3fd6c026bdb7989c66d5e162 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 80806376a566ebd1b2edfe0dd0a69dc1c3f718cd
Author: Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
Date:   Fri Jul 26 17:26:40 2024 +0200

    Always report invalid non-null MBR of universal face
    Even when no bbox is given to ValidateTopology.
    References #5766 in master branch (3.5.0dev)
    Includes regress test

diff --git a/topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in b/topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in
index df71b5690..2b3c5bfa2 100644
--- a/topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in
+++ b/topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 -- Type returned by ValidateTopology
@@ -26,8 +28,7 @@ CREATE TYPE topology.ValidateTopology_ReturnType AS (
--- Return the exterior ring of a topology face
+-- Return the outermost ring of a topology face
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION topology._ValidateTopologyGetFaceShellMaximalEdgeRing(atopology varchar, aface int)
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ $BODY$
   sql TEXT;
   outsidePoint GEOMETRY;
+  leftmostEdge INT;
   shell GEOMETRY;
@@ -53,38 +55,46 @@ BEGIN
   EXECUTE sql USING aface INTO outsidePoint;
+  RAISE NOTICE 'Outside point of face %: %', aface, ST_AsText(outsidePoint);
+  IF outsidePoint IS NULL THEN
+  END IF;
+  sql := format(
+    $$
+      SELECT
+        CASE WHEN left_face = $1
+        THEN
+          edge_id
+        ELSE
+          -edge_id
+        END ring_id
+      FROM %1$I.edge
+      WHERE left_face = $1 or right_face = $1
+      ORDER BY
+        geom <-> $2
+      LIMIT 1
+    $$,
+    atopology
+  );
+  EXECUTE sql USING aface, outsidePoint INTO leftmostEdge;
+  RAISE NOTICE 'Leftmost edge of face %: %', aface, leftmostEdge;
+  IF leftmostEdge IS NULL THEN
+  END IF;
   sql := format(
-      outside_point AS (
-        SELECT ST_Translate(
-          ST_StartPoint( ST_BoundingDiagonal(mbr) ),
-          -1,
-          -1
-        )
-        FROM %1$I.face
-        WHERE face_id = $1
-      ),
-      leftmost_edge AS (
-        SELECT
-          CASE WHEN left_face = $1
-          THEN
-            edge_id
-          ELSE
-            -edge_id
-          END ring_id
-        FROM %1$I.edge
-        WHERE left_face = $1 or right_face = $1
-        ORDER BY
-          geom <-> $2
-        LIMIT 1
-      ),
       edgering AS (
         SELECT *
-            (SELECT ring_id FROM leftmost_edge)
+            $1
@@ -102,9 +112,9 @@ BEGIN
-  --RAISE DEBUG 'SQL: %', sql;
+  RAISE DEBUG 'SQL: %', sql;
-  EXECUTE sql USING aface, outsidePoint
+  EXECUTE sql USING leftmostEdge
   INTO shell;
   -- TODO: check if the ring is not closed
@@ -487,20 +497,15 @@ BEGIN
     found_rings := found_rings + 1;
-    RAISE DEBUG 'Ring % - faces:[%]',
-      rec.ring_id,
-      array_to_string(rec.side_faces, ',')
-    ;
     -- Check that there's a single face advertised
     IF array_upper(rec.side_faces,1) != 1
     THEN --{
-      RAISE DEBUG 'Side faces found on ring %: %', rec.ring_id,
-       rec.side_faces;
+    RAISE DEBUG 'Ring % - mixed side faces:[%]',
+      rec.ring_id,
+      array_to_string(rec.side_faces, ',')
+    ;
       retrec.error = 'mixed face labeling in ring';
       retrec.id1 = rec.ring_id;
@@ -539,6 +544,14 @@ BEGIN
       END IF;
     END IF;
+    RAISE DEBUG 'Ring % - side faces:[%] - %',
+      rec.ring_id,
+      array_to_string(rec.side_faces, ','),
+      CASE WHEN is_shell THEN 'shell (will end in shell_check)' ELSE 'hole' END
+    ;
     IF is_shell THEN --{ It's a shell (CCW)
       -- Check that a single face is ever used
       --       for each distinct CCW ring (shell)
@@ -891,29 +904,47 @@ BEGIN
     f.face_id = sc.face_id
+  GET DIAGNOSTICS affected_rows = ROW_COUNT;
+  RAISE DEBUG 'Constructed geometries of % faces (found shells)',
+    affected_rows;
   DROP TABLE pg_temp.shell_check;
+  --
+  -- Add to face_check any missing face whose mbr overlaps
+  -- the given one.
+  --
+  -- This is done to still be able to check MBR consistency
+  -- See https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5766#comment:6
+  --
+  INSERT INTO pg_temp.face_check
+  SELECT face_id,
+    CASE WHEN face_id = 0 THEN
+      NULL
+    ELSE
+      topology._ValidateTopologyGetFaceShellMaximalEdgeRing(toponame, face_id)
+    END as real_shell,
+    mbr
+  FROM face
+  WHERE ( bbox IS NULL OR mbr && bbox )
+  AND (
+    CASE WHEN invalid_faces IS NOT NULL THEN
+      NOT face_id = ANY(invalid_faces)
+    ELSE
+      TRUE
+    END
+  )
+  AND face_id NOT IN (
+    SELECT face_id FROM pg_temp.face_check
+  );
-  IF bbox IS NOT NULL
-  THEN --{
-    INSERT INTO pg_temp.face_check
-    SELECT face_id,
-      topology._ValidateTopologyGetFaceShellMaximalEdgeRing(toponame, face_id),
-      mbr
-    FROM face
-    WHERE mbr && bbox
-    AND (
-      CASE WHEN invalid_faces IS NOT NULL THEN
-        NOT face_id = ANY(invalid_faces)
-      ELSE
-        TRUE
-      END
-    )
-    AND face_id NOT IN (
-      SELECT face_id FROM pg_temp.face_check
-    )
-    ;
-  END IF; --}
+  GET DIAGNOSTICS affected_rows = ROW_COUNT;
+  RAISE DEBUG 'Added % missing faces in face_check table',
+    affected_rows;
   -- Build a gist index on geom
   CREATE INDEX ON face_check USING gist (shell);
@@ -931,26 +962,53 @@ BEGIN
     affected_rows := affected_rows + 1;
-    IF rec.shell IS NULL OR ST_IsEmpty(rec.shell)
-    THEN
-      -- Face missing !
-      retrec.error := 'face has no rings';
-      retrec.id1 := rec.face_id;
-      retrec.id2 := NULL;
-      RETURN NEXT retrec;
-    END IF;
+    IF rec.face_id != 0 THEN -- {
-    IF NOT ST_Equals(rec.mbr, ST_Envelope(rec.shell))
-    THEN
+      -- Real face need have rings and matching MBR
+      IF rec.shell IS NULL OR ST_IsEmpty(rec.shell)
+      THEN
+        -- Face missing !
+        retrec.error := 'face has no rings';
+        retrec.id1 := rec.face_id;
+        retrec.id2 := NULL;
+        RETURN NEXT retrec;
+      END IF;
+      IF NOT ST_Equals(rec.mbr, ST_Envelope(rec.shell))
+      THEN
-      RAISE DEBUG 'MBR expected:% obtained:%', ST_AsEWKT(ST_Envelope(rec.shell)), ST_AsEWKT(ST_Envelope(rec.mbr));
+        RAISE DEBUG 'MBR expected:% obtained:%', ST_AsEWKT(ST_Envelope(rec.shell)), ST_AsEWKT(ST_Envelope(rec.mbr));
-      -- Inconsistent MBR!
-      retrec.error := 'face has wrong mbr';
-      retrec.id1 := rec.face_id;
-      retrec.id2 := NULL;
-      RETURN NEXT retrec;
-    END IF;
+        -- Inconsistent MBR!
+        retrec.error := 'face has wrong mbr';
+        retrec.id1 := rec.face_id;
+        retrec.id2 := NULL;
+        RETURN NEXT retrec;
+      END IF;
+    ELSE --}{
+      -- Universal face need have no shell rings and NULL MBR
+      IF rec.shell IS NOT NULL OR NOT ST_IsEmpty(rec.shell)
+      THEN
+        retrec.error := 'universal face has shell rings';
+        retrec.id1 := rec.face_id;
+        retrec.id2 := NULL;
+        RETURN NEXT retrec;
+      END IF;
+      IF rec.mbr IS NOT NULL
+      THEN
+        -- TODO: make the message more specific about universal face ?
+        retrec.error := 'face has wrong mbr';
+        retrec.id1 := rec.face_id;
+        retrec.id2 := NULL;
+        RETURN NEXT retrec;
+      END IF;
+    END IF; --}
   END LOOP; --}
diff --git a/topology/test/regress/validatetopology.sql b/topology/test/regress/validatetopology.sql
index 8a23aed2e..173e4a5b1 100644
--- a/topology/test/regress/validatetopology.sql
+++ b/topology/test/regress/validatetopology.sql
@@ -206,5 +206,19 @@ SELECT '#5548.1', * FROM topology.ValidateTopology('t5548',
+-- See https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5766
+SELECT NULL FROM topology.CreateTopology('t5766');
+SELECT NULL FROM topology.TopoGeo_addPolygon('t5766', 'POLYGON((0 0, 1 2, 2 0,0 0))');
+UPDATE t5766.face SET mbr = ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,2,2) WHERE face_id = 0; -- bbox matching leftmost ring
+SELECT '#5766.1', 'no bbox', (array_agg(v))[1] FROM topology.ValidateTopology('t5766') v;
+SELECT '#5766.1', 'overlapping bbox', (array_agg(v))[1] FROM topology.ValidateTopology('t5766', 'POINT(1 1)') v;
+SELECT '#5766.1', 'disjoint bbox', (array_agg(v))[1] FROM topology.ValidateTopology('t5766', 'POINT(3 0)') v;
+UPDATE t5766.face SET mbr = ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,1,2) WHERE face_id = 0; -- bbox not matching leftmost ring
+SELECT '#5766.2', 'no bbox', (array_agg(v))[1] FROM topology.ValidateTopology('t5766') v;
+SELECT '#5766.2', 'overlapping bbox', (array_agg(v))[1] FROM topology.ValidateTopology('t5766', 'POINT(1 1)') v;
+SELECT '#5766.2', 'disjoint bbox', (array_agg(v))[1] FROM topology.ValidateTopology('t5766', 'POINT(3 0)') v;
 SELECT NULL FROM topology.DropTopology('city_data');
diff --git a/topology/test/regress/validatetopology_expected b/topology/test/regress/validatetopology_expected
index 82242d0a4..da497ee20 100644
--- a/topology/test/regress/validatetopology_expected
+++ b/topology/test/regress/validatetopology_expected
@@ -40,3 +40,9 @@
 #5548.1|face without edges|1|
+#5766.1|no bbox|("face has wrong mbr",0,)
+#5766.1|overlapping bbox|("face has wrong mbr",0,)
+#5766.1|disjoint bbox|
+#5766.2|no bbox|("face has wrong mbr",0,)
+#5766.2|overlapping bbox|("face has wrong mbr",0,)
+#5766.2|disjoint bbox|


Summary of changes:
 topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in     | 206 +++++++++++++++---------
 topology/test/regress/validatetopology.sql      |  14 ++
 topology/test/regress/validatetopology_expected |   6 +
 3 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)


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