[PostGIS] #5722: Spatial exception - geometry boundary touches interior of edge 4 (XX000)

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Mon May 6 02:22:43 PDT 2024

#5722: Spatial exception - geometry boundary touches interior of edge 4 (XX000)
  Reporter:  strk      |      Owner:  strk
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
  Priority:  medium    |  Milestone:  PostGIS 3.5.0
 Component:  topology  |    Version:  master
Resolution:            |   Keywords:
Comment (by strk):

 I'm not sure how 8.28391e-18 comes out from but ST_Distance seems to give
 `1.8318679906315083e-15` which is still bigger than the computed tolerance
 of `1.26179306007529e-15`:
 postgis_reg=# select edge_id, ST_Distance(geom,
 '0101000000C11966778F6ED6BF27924848B0E2D43F') dist, ST_DWithin(geom,
 '0101000000C11966778F6ED6BF27924848B0E2D43F', 1.26179306007529e-15) from t
 opo.edge where edge_id = 2;
  edge_id |          dist          | st_dwithin
        2 | 1.8318679906315083e-15 | f

 In any case the intersection point computed by GEOS is found to be further
 than the computed min tolerance.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5722#comment:7>
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