[postgis] A demonstration (or better) client

John Reid jgreid at uow.edu.au
Mon Jul 30 06:39:01 PDT 2001


Timothy H. Keitt wrote:

>Adrian Custer wrote:
>>License Issue:
>>If we want to distribute the source in a usable form with PostgreSQL
>>then we must be able to license the code under the GPL or something
>>compatible. If ArcGIS is from ESRI then it is not Free so I don't think
>>PostGIS could use it. Also I have never quite understood if OpenMap
>>could be taken into a GPL project. I always assumed it could ut that is
>>from a layman's reading of the license.
>Oops.  I just realized that postgis will have to change its licence to BSD in order to be added to the postgresql distribution.
I'snt there some GPL/LGPL code in postgresql's contrib directory?  ... 
Yep. In contrib the array, string, and userlock modules have GPL headers 
in the READMEs, as well as src/interfaces/odbc (LGPL) and 
src/interfaces/perl5 (LGPL or Artistic).  So a change in licence to BSD 
style is probably is not necessary.  Still need to check though - I 
cannot quickly find confirmation in the copyright notices for the 

However these make no mention of GPL code.  For that matter there is no 
information on licencing in pgsql/contrib/README.  However, from the 
debian postgresql-contrib docs (/usr/doc/postgresql-contrib/copyright):

It was downloaded from 

Copyright.  The following copyright applies to the entire distribution:

  PostgreSQL Data Base Management System (formerly known as Postgres, then
  as Postgres95).

  Copyright (c) 1994-7 Regents of the University of California

  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written 
  is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
  paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.

Confused yet?  I am ...


john reid                                     e-mail jgreid at uow.edu.au
uproot your questions from their ground and the dangling roots will be
seen.  more questions!
                                                       -mentat zensufi

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