[postgis] Re: The Next Level(polygon clipping)

Hisaji ONO ono96 at fa2.so-net.ne.jp
Tue Jul 31 23:12:20 PDT 2001


> Perhaps I misunderstand, but:
> - Firstly, we do not have access to a Java Virtual Machine at the
> backend (server-side Java is still a wish-list item for the PostgreSQL
> team), so therefor we do not have access to the Java2D API.
> - Secondly, if the routines cannot handle holes they aren't much use for
> a GIS-oriented system. Certainly they would not meet the requirements of
> OGC.

 Sorry, I didn't understand about PostGIS very well. According to GDBC's
document, http://home.gdbc.gov.bc.ca/RFP/RFP1070-20-604.pdf, which is only
info of JST for me, JST is based on Java. So PostGIS supports Java-Run time
and will connect to JST via JNI(Java Native Interface.)

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