[postgis-users] Re: C question, PG_RETURN_POINTER: GPC integration
Hisaji ONO
hi-ono at mn.xdsl.ne.jp
Mon Apr 29 08:40:24 PDT 2002
I've succeeded to compile scot_gpc.c and create test_geogpc function.
I've tried these SQL statements.
create table testgpc(id integer, the_geom geometry);
insert into testgpc (id, the_geom) values (1,'POLYGON((0 0 0,0 5 0,5 50,5 0
0,0 0 0))');
insert into testgpc (id, the_geom) values (2,'POLYGON((0 0 0,0 15 0,5 15 0,5
0 0,0 0 0))');
select test_geogpc
(select the_geom from setagayaku where gid=1),
(select the_geom from setagayaku where gid=2)
However I've got the following error messages.
NOTICE: Entering test_geogpc. Int: 666
ERROR: Incompatible types for 2 geometries (expected POLYGON)
NOTICE: Entering test_geogpc. Int: 666
ERROR: Incompatible types for 2 geometries (expected POLYGON)
I've checked my entry geometries' types using geometry type function. The
result was that their types were all "Polygon."
Could you tell me anything wrong with these statements?
Best Regards.
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