[postgis-users] Problem finding intersection of LineString and BOX3D?
Mark Cave-Ayland
mark.cave-ayland at webbased.co.uk
Fri Aug 16 05:44:11 PDT 2002
> The problem with the code is probably in the function
> lineseg_inside_box().
> You should be able to find lots of references to the cohen-sutherland
> algorithm online (or in any graphics textbook), and your simple test
> case should find out whats wrong very quickly!!
> dave
Hi Dave,
I copied out my test case into a separate C program and managed to find the
error in the truly_inside() function - you were right about the
lineseg_inside_box() function. The problem I was having was with shallow
horizontal lines and it was because the C-S algorithm only checks for
intersections with the horizontal lines of the box. I modified the algorithm
to include the vertical edges and now it works great every time :)
Many thanks for your support on this one, PostGIS is a great piece of
software and will only get better with technical support like this :) Please
find enclosed the resulting patch against PostGIS 0.7.1 attached to this
email for submission for the next release of PostGIS.
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