[postgis-users] OT: moving my access data into postgis

Thomas, Cord cthomas at rand.org
Wed Aug 21 08:48:43 PDT 2002


depends on your tools and your goal i guess.

You are on windows, right - both MS Access and postgresql? 

You have how many tables (just one)?  Are they/it created in postgres

Here is what i would do (coming from other database backgrounds):
   export Access to text file
   turn postgres logging/transactions off (if you want to improve speed -
which appears to be your goal)
   wrap each data line in an insert into statement appropriate for the table
(should be easy with 4 integer fields) - you can use a simple regular
expression to do this.
   execute the text file with psql.  psql -d <database name> -f <text file>

Will still take  a long time - i might even break the export of the data
into a few chunks because handling 0.5  million records in any envirnoment
is still burdensome.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:TMitchell at lignum.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 8:44 AM
To: postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
Subject: [postgis-users] OT: moving my access data into postgis

Slightly off topic, but relevant nonetheless.
I've got a ton of data in an MS Access database and I've been using the
postgresql odbc driver to export the data into a postgis database.  But
man, it's really, really slow.   You thought gist indexing of large tables
was slow!  Well, I'm looking at 1-2 hours for half a million records with
only 4 integer columns.

Can you suggest a better method of moving out of Access?

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