[postgis] ERROR: geometry_columns: Permission denied
lczub at t-online.de
Sun Jan 27 14:44:55 PST 2002
Moin Markus,
I played a little bit with GRANT. To create a new table with geometry fields,
the user needs INSERT-Access to the table geomtry_columns.
You find in the attachment a sql-script, which creates three groups with default
user and an insert-rule on geomtry_columns, which automaticly add the new table
to this groups.
Group pgis_admins should be used to create new table with geometry fields
Group pgis_users could insert / manipulate data in tables with geometry fields
Group pgis_webusers could evaluate such tables like webusers
(could be used for connect-specifications in configuration-file of
mapserver (demo.map))
Names of the default user are: pgis_admin, pgis_user, mapserv
After calling
' psql -f postgis_groups.sql markusgeom postgres '
you could install your new table calling
' psql -f radweg.sql markusgeom pgis_admin'
See please also the comment lines in the top of postgis_groups.sql and (sorry)
be careful, cause these are my first steps in sql. Hope it functions. My own
tests were successful.
PS: pgis_admin could not use DropGeometryColumn(), case this function works an
pg_attribute, so system rights are needed.
> I get this error every time I try to use SELECT AddGeometryTable.
> - I am logged in to the system as "markus"
> - psql -U postgres
> - createdb markusgeom
> - psql -U postgres -d markusgeom -f postgis.sql
> - psql -d markusgeom -f radwege.sql
> radwege.sql is created by the shapefile-coverter
> select DropGeometryColumn('markusgeom','testdaten3','the_geom');
> drop table testdaten3;
> create table testdaten3 (gid int4 , ID int4, INDEX varchar,
> RAD_NAM3 varchar, RAD_NAM2 varchar, RAD_NAM1 varchar,
> KLASSE varchar, VERKEHR float8, STEIGUNG float8, BESCHREI varchar);
> select AddGeometryColumn(
> 'markusgeom','testdaten3','the_geom','-1','MULTILINESTRING',2);
> Wich permissions do I have to change? GRANT to ???
Gruß Luiko Czub
Luiko Czub
Stürtzelstraße 1 Tel.: ++49-761/8098-240
D-79106 Freiburg Email: lczub at t-online.de
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-------------- next part --------------
-- defines following groups with different access to posgis tables
-- pgis_admins people, which creates new tables with geomtry columns
-- a) right ALL on spatial_ref_sys, geometry_columns
-- b) rigth ALL on every table with geomtry columns
-- pgis_users people, which manipulate data in tables with geomtry columns
-- a) rigth SELECT on spatial_ref_sys, geometry_columns
-- b) rigth INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on every table with geomtry columns
-- pgis_webusers people, which only looks an gis data like webuser
-- a) rigth SELECT on spatial_ref_sys, geometry_columns
-- b) rigth SELECT on every table with geomtry columns
-- (if webuser should be able to manipulte data, the admin must
-- add this right seratly)
-- We get the rigth b) by implemantate
-- 1) a function SetPgisTableRights(a_table_name)
-- it creates three new GRANT Rules for the table A_TABLE_NAME
-- 2) an insert-RULE on geometry_columns, which calls this function everytime,
-- a new entry is inserted into geometry_columns. , the trigger creates
-- defines following default users
-- pgis_admin member of pgis_admins
-- pgis_user member of pgis_users
-- mapserv member of webuser, could be used for the connect-specification
-- in the configuration-file of mapserver (z.B. demo.map)
-- open problem: DropGeometryColumn() needs system rights, cause it changed something
-- in the table pg_attribute
-- the script shp2pgsql creates lines like
-- select DropGeometryColumn('geomtest','radweg','the_geom');
-- drop table radweg ;
-- maybe, if the hole table will be droped, it would be better to say
-- DELETE FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = 'radweg';
-- DROP TABLE radweg ;
-- we only need DropGeometryColumn(), if the table should be alive, after removing
-- the geometry field, but the shp2psql wants to throw away the old structure
-- by lczub at t-online.de (Luiko Czub, Freiburg) 27.012002, postgis-0.6.2
-- (sorry for my bad english, hope you understand, what I'am doing)
-- default users for postgis
CREATE USER pgis_admin;
CREATE USER pgis_user;
CREATE USER mapserv;
-- Group pgis_webusers, pgis_users, pgis_webusers
CREATE GROUP pgis_admins WITH USER pgis_admin;
CREATE GROUP pgis_users WITH USER pgis_user;
CREATE GROUP pgis_webusers WITH USER mapserv;
-- rights for group pgis_webusers
GRANT SELECT ON spatial_ref_sys, geometry_columns TO GROUP pgis_webusers;
GRANT SELECT ON spatial_ref_sys, geometry_columns TO GROUP pgis_users;
GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys, geometry_columns TO GROUP pgis_admins;
-- Function, which adds the specific PostGIs Rigths for a new table
CREATE FUNCTION SetPgisTableRights(varchar) RETURNS text AS '
table_name alias for $1;
EXECUTE ''GRANT ALL ON '' || table_name || '' TO GROUP pgis_admins '';
EXECUTE ''GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON '' || table_name || '' TO GROUP pgis_users '';
EXECUTE ''GRANT SELECT ON '' || table_name || '' TO GROUP pgis_webusers '';
return ''PostGis-Rights set for table '' || table_name;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
-- RULE on geometry_columns, which set the GRAND Rights, we need
TO geometry_columns
DO SELECT SetPgisTableRights(new.f_table_name);
-------------- next part --------------
-- drops special postgis groups, default users,
-- the function SetPgisTableRights() and the rule SetPgisTableRights
-- by lczub at t-online.de (Luiko Czub, Freiburg) 27.01.2002, postgis-0.6.2
-- the default users
DROP USER mapserv;
DROP USER pgis_user;
DROP USER pgis_admin;
-- the postgis groups
DROP GROUP pgis_webusers;
DROP GROUP pgis_users;
DROP GROUP pgis_admins;
-- the function
DROP FUNCTION SetPgisTableRights(varchar);
-- the rule
DROP RULE SetPgisTableRights;
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