[postgis-users] General Question on Raster within PostGIS
Hisaji ONO
hi-ono at mn.xdsl.ne.jp
Thu May 9 07:51:11 PDT 2002
>Hi Everyone,
>I'm new to this list, so please excuse this if it has already been
>How are people storing raster images (satellite, aerial photos etc) within
Currently, PostGIS doesn't support dealing with images. So, I used
PostGIS's Geometry Type as a refrence or retrieval for exaternal aerila
photo in the following manner for outputing SVG instances by PHP.
Table "airphoto"
Attribute | Type
geoid | integer |
geo_value | geometry |
urlname | character varying |
ox | double precision |
oy | double precision |
width | double precision |
height | double precision |
a | double precision |
b | double precision |
c | double precision |
d | double precision |
e | double precision |
f | double precision |
where "geo_value" is polygons which is extent of images, "urlname" is
URL of images, "ox" and "oy" are origin coordinate in pixel, "width"
and "height" are literally images' ones in pixel, "a" - "f" are
parameters of affine tranformation for images deriving from world files
I show followin' examples.
geoid | geo_value
| urlname | ox | oy | width | height | a | b |
c | d | e | f
0 | SRID=-1;POLYGON((-13000 -33750,-13000 -33000,-12000
-33000,-12000 -3375
0,-13000 -33750)) | 9ld1622_o.jpg | 0 | 0 | 5000 | 3750 | 0.2 | 0 |
0 | -0.
2 | -13000 | -33000
1 | SRID=-1;POLYGON((-13000 -34500,-13000 -33750,-12000
-33750,-12000 -3450
0,-13000 -34500)) | 9ld1624_o.jpg | 0 | 0 | 5000 | 3750 | 0.2 | 0 |
0 | -0.
2 | -13000 | -33750
I hope this will help you.
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