[postgis-users] WKT in issue

David Blasby dblasby at refractions.net
Fri Oct 4 11:03:09 PDT 2002


I downloaded your data file, decompressed it then:

     cat parcel_new_geo.pg | psql -p 6543 dblasby

And it uploaded fine, so I did it again, and then a 3rd time with no

Then I:

select count(*) from parcel_new_geo ;
(1 row)

create table t (the_geom geometry, rec int);
insert into t  (the_geom,rec) (select shape,oid from parcel_new_geo );
select count(*) from t;
(1 row)

I also did this three times, with no problems.

I'm using PostGIS 0.7 with postgresql 7.1 on linux - but I havent made any
modification to the parser for a very long time.

I also tried it on our solaris machine, with no problems.

It looks like you have something very wrong with how your machine is setup
- perhaps you should completely uninstall postgis and postgresql and start
again (and insure you dont have old version around)?


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