[postgis-users] finding street address points

Alex Rice alex_rice at arc.to
Tue Sep 3 14:16:36 PDT 2002

On Tuesday, September 3, 2002, at 03:00 PM, Thomas, Cord wrote:

> First question - you developing in Perl, or other?

Yes, using the Perl Mapscript module and DBD::Pg.

> This is basic geometry.

If one's geometry skills are not rusty. ;-)

> I am new to MapServer, so there may be address matching libraries 
> already
> built, but if not, we should defitely explore the creation of a mapping
> library for address matching - a very common task.
> The issue at hand is to do the following at various levels of 
> complexity:

The interpolation and offsetting is what I'm working on now. Already 
have written the PostGIS queries to find the street object (line 
segment) by searching the street name and address range.

I guess I'll be digging out the old geometry book :-) I'm pretty new to 
PostGIS and wanted to make sure I was not overlooking a trove of add-on 
stored procedures or something.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at swcp.com
alex_rice at arc.to

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