[postgis-users] Status of OGR & PostGIS?

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Sep 4 07:00:21 PDT 2002

C F wrote:

> Hello,
> Perhaps somebody could clarify for me what is going on in the OGR 
> world with respect to PostGIS.  As I understand it, one of the uses of 
> OGR would be to say, convert a shapefile into a PostGIS layer or vice 
> versa... with the real value of OGR in being that it it's not limited 
> to that format, you can use several formats.  Right?
> The OGR site states that PostGIS support is "experimental".  We also 
> have available to us, shp2pgsql/pgsql2shp from the PostGIS team.  From 
> monitoring the list over the last few months, it appears that there is 
> active maintenance (bug fixing) on the shp2pgsql utility but have not 
> seen any movement or discussion on OGR.
> So my question is... does anybody have a feel for how reliable 
> OGR/PostGIS is relative to shp2pgsql?  Is there any ongoing 
> development?  Basically, I'd much rather use OGR in case I want to 
> expand my list of accepted input formats, but I'll be getting 
> shapefiles from a wide variety sources... and based on what I've been 
> reading in the list, it sounds like quite a few unexpected problems 
> can arise when importing shapefiles.
> Thanks!

The OGR/PostGIS gateway is actively maintained, and I have made a number 
of tweaks to it
in recent months.  I know that Tyler Michell and I have both 
successfully used in it projects, but
I would have to say the OGR PostGIS support is only lightly used currently.

Please feel free to file bug reports (in the GDAL/OGR bugzilla) if you 
find any problems with the
PostGIS support in OGR.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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