[postgis-users] SRID Problem

Frank Koormann frank.koormann at intevation.de
Fri Sep 6 04:18:22 PDT 2002


* staub at gik.uni-karlsruhe.de <staub at gik.uni-karlsruhe.de> [020906 12:30]:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to load some ESRI shapefiles with the shp2psql command.
> The SRID column shows -1 but I'm having a *.prj file where the Spatial
> Reference System of the uploaded shapefile is specified. So is it
> possible to insert the correct SRID value automatically while uploading
> or do I have to correct the columns manually?

I don't think that shp2pgsql reads the *.prj file, however you can 
use the "-s <srid>" switch on the command line to set the correct srid
before uploading the data into PostGIS.


Frank Koormann                             <frank.koormann at intevation.de>
 Professional Service around Free Software       (http://intevation.net/)
 FreeGIS Project                                 (http://freegis.org/)

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