[postgis-users] How are you editing data in PostGIS?

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Wed Jul 16 08:03:11 PDT 2003

For loading AutoCAD data directly, your only choice right now is the 
FME (www.safe.com). I doubt there will be another option for quite a 
while, since AutoCAD format is both (a) hard and (b) always changing, 
so it is a difficult target for open source developers.

Editing is not *so* hard. There will probably be live editing tools 
available via JUMP or GeoTools or both, within the next few months. The 
next question then is how do I print maps out of that? Or any number of 
other "how is your solution not like ArcMap?" questions. We cannot make 
a feature complete alternative to ArcMap in our spare time, any more 
than people could make a feature complete alternative to 
Word/Excel/PowerPoint in their spare time (OpenOffice was a commercial 
product that was opened).

A connector for ArcMap <-> PostGIS might be a way of cracking the 
oyster, but that too is a non-trivial development.


On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 06:50 AM, Mark Rodrigo wrote:

> Hello:
> I have been working through PostGIS/PostGreSQL as an alternative for 
> clients
> that require solutions without the heavy price tag of ArcSDE. As 
> usual, the
> potential users express their concerns and ask appropriate pointed
> questions. One question was how can one input AutoCAD data into 
> PostGIS? I
> responded that there was no open source direct approach yet, but we 
> could
> convert CAD files to shapefiles, then input the data. Yet, a more 
> important
> question was once the data was in there, how can we edit it? I have 
> only
> been doing read only tests up to this point, but how are you editing 
> your
> data once it is in PostGIS?
> Thanks
> Mark
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      Paul Ramsey
      Refractions Research
      Email: pramsey at refractions.net
      Phone: (250) 885-0632

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