[postgis-users] gis editor on postgis?

Martin Mueller mmueller at sedan.uni-osnabrueck.de
Thu Jul 24 01:57:31 PDT 2003


the german company Intevation has written an interactive geographic data
viewer called thuban. (http://thuban.intevation.de) The next release
will have the ability to read data not just from shapefiles but from
postgis tables. Although it is aimed as a viewer, you can edit
erverything except the geographic data.
I don't know if that's what you are looking for, but have a look, it's
allready a great tool. Perhaps you have some ideas for extensions.
Intevation is curious about new ideas. 
Thuban is written in python an free software, so just try it out. 


Am Don, 2003-07-24 um 09.36 schrieb Chen Fu:
> Hi!
> I read article recommend postgis as a dynamic data
> source for mapserver. But i don't see any gis tool can
> directly work on postgis table, modify it on the fly.
> Should we program ourself to add a point or polyline?
> If we have to update postgis table by dumping shp
> file, why not use shp itself?
> I just have a little puzzle about it.
> Any idea?
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