[postgis-users] POSTGIS DTED...

Nick Ton nton at photon.com
Mon May 12 07:23:12 PDT 2003

Thanks Vincent,

I think for our low budget development we will have to take
your advice and store the DTED data externally, and do the
projection ourselves.

Is there's any push or interest for development of
raster storage and query capabilities in PostGIS?
It would seem that many data format are based on
raster format (i.e. meteorological, satellite, etc.),
and so would benefit from an open source SDE
that would support such capabilities.

I would be happy to spend some free time to support
such an effort, but I am not sure how to begin.

Thanks Again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Schut [mailto:schut at sarvision.com]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 8:36 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion; Nick Ton
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] POSTGIS DTED...


Postgis has no native raster image storage capabilities.
Though there are some workarounds, like having a polygon of the raster
in a database, and a record with a link to the file name. Or to a blob with 
your image data, but then you should take care of projections, etc. etc. 
For more info try to search this mailing list ( 
http://postgis.refractions.net/support.php ); the question you asked has 
certainly been asked before.

Vincent Schut.

On Thursday 08 May 2003 19:49, Nick Ton wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a continuation of my Raster data question. I was wondering
> if there are some examples of loading DTED Level 0 data into PostGIS?
> Thanks,
> Nick
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Vincent Schut
Sarvision B.V.
Wageningen, The Netherlands

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