[postgis-users] Query not using index - why not?
Andrew Edmondson
a.edmondson at eris.qinetiq.com
Fri Oct 24 06:31:11 PDT 2003
I have a table called location (see definition below) - with a longlat column.
I want to select everything from location where longlat is within 50000 meters of a given point.
This query takes ages - and the EXPLAIN says it's doing a scan, rather than using the index.
Any ideas on how I can make it use the, or another better, index?
Table "public.location"
Column | Type | Modifiers
location_id | integer | not null default nextval('public.location_location_id_seq'::text)
longlat | geometry |
Indexes: location_location_id_key unique btree (location_id),
location_location_idunique_idx unique btree (location_id),
location_longlat_idx gist (longlat)
Check constraints: "$1" (srid(longlat) = 4278)
"$2" ((geometrytype(longlat) = 'POINT'::text) OR (longlat IS NULL))
EXPLAIN SELECT *, DISTANCE_SPHEROID('SRID=4278;POINT(120.4 14.583333)', longlat, 'SPHEROID[\"Airy_1830\",6377563.396,299.3249646]') AS distance FROM location WHERE DISTANCE_SPHEROID('SRID=4278;POINT(120.4 14.583333)', longlat, 'SPHEROID[\"Airy_1830\",6377563.396,299.3249646]') < 50000;
Seq Scan on "location" (cost=0.00..25.00 rows=333 width=40)
Filter: (distance_spheroid('SRID=4278;POINT(120.4 14.583333)'::geometry, longlat, 'SPHEROID("Airy_1830",6377563.396,299.3249646)'::spheroid) < 50000::double precision)
(2 rows)
Andrew Edmondson
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