[postgis-users] pgsql2shp/shp2pgsql and php

David TECHER davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Fri Apr 2 01:04:08 PST 2004

I think that you must see how is the owner of the
directory of your repertory

see your httpd.conf of apache

and find the line

User nameoftheuser

for example if the nameoftheuser is foo, you will have

User foo

then foo must also be an user of postgresql in order
to use 'pgsql2shp ... -u foo'. he must have right to
use databases of postgresql

so use  the command

   createuser foo

 and say 'y' to 2 questions that createuser ask you

 --- Stefan Donath <DonathStefan at gmx.de> a écrit : >
thanks david!
> i tried this:
> <?php
> $ret = shell_exec ("pgsql2shp -f <filename> -u
> <user> -g <geom_column> -h
> <host> <dbname> <tablename> 2>&1");
> echo $ret;
> ?>
> and received the error message: could not create dbf
> file
> when running pgsql2shp from command line everything
> works fine but not from
> within the php-script! i also tried the .sh-thing
> but the same result! any
> ideas???
> stefan
> you should use from php
> shell_exec("shp2pgsql ...");
> or 
> shell_exec(pgsql2shp ..."),
> or writing a shell (foo.sh) from php-script with in
> foo.sh:
> shp2pgsql ....
> pgsql2shp ...
> and do shell_exec(foo.sh)
> I think this method could be improved :)
> -- 
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