[postgis-users] transform & 180 degree problem

Wood Brent pcreso at pcreso.com
Mon Apr 19 18:04:55 PDT 2004

I used the transform function to convert some mercator data to lat/long.
(Thanks for the help on the SRID parameters)

The data crosses the 180 meridian, & the result of the transform is a -180 to
+180 dataset. 

As the attached image of this plotted in QGIS shows, a 0-360 longitude option
would be helpful :-(

Apart from a script to process the WKT version of the transform data so all -ve
longitudes are added to 360 to create a useful dataset, then loaded into the
target table, is there anything I can do within PosGIS/QGIS to have +-180 &
0-360  data overlay, or convert between them?

Is there any flag the spatial_ref_sys parameters can use to force a 0-360
instead of +-180 output?

Is there a SRID (I'm using 4326 for the lat long data) which forces a 0-360
from transform?


   Brent Wood  
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