[postgis-users] java and postgis: your suggestions and ideas

Maurizio Napolitano napo at itc.it
Tue Feb 3 00:18:52 PST 2004

> 1) Does anyone know who to contact about bugs with the GISToolkit Library?

Very simple: write to the author!

> I have looked throught website and have not found contact information or 
> user groups.

If you need help, you can contact me.

> 2) I may be forced to change java libraries so can anyone recommend a 
> different java library that I can use as a stand alone tool?

JUMP is very good!

> I have other suggestions and question but I have not recieved a response 
> to my first question on the GISToolkit Sourceforge website.

Use the mailing list. Now i look your question.

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