more.... [postgis-users] Update geometry_columns!

Andre Cruvinel Resende andrecruvinel at
Thu Feb 26 06:49:30 PST 2004

Hello Everybody,

I post a message some days ago about loading data from
postgis by mapserver, and Tyler Mitchell ask me to send
some results

"Show us the result of:

select * from geometry columns;

and also  the results of (in psql)

\d unidade_federativa" they are

The result of geomeyry_coumns:

"f_table_catalog"	"f_table_schema"	"f_table_name"
"f_geometry_column"	"coord_dimension"	"srid"	"type"
"attrelid"	"varattnum"	"stats"
"\N"	"public"	"estabelecimento"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"	"POINT"
"207102"	"8"	"\N"
"\N"	"public"	"brasil"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"
"MULTILINESTRING"	"159954"	"14"	"\N"
"\N"	"public"	"uf"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"	"MULTIPOLYGON"
"165091"	"8"	"\N"
"\N"	"public"	"municipio"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"
"MULTIPOLYGON"	"165165"	"15"	"\N"
"\N"	"public"	"cidade"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"	"POINT"	"178042"
"8"	"\N"
"\N"	"public"	"capital_estadual"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"
"POINT"	"183810"	"8"	"\N"
"\N"	"public"	"capital_federal"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"	"POINT"
"183849"	"8"	"\N"
"\N"	"public"	"povoado"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"	"POINT"
"183864"	"8"	"\N"
"\N"	"public"	"vila"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"	"POINT"	"187810"
"8"	"\N"
"\N"	"public"	"outras_localidades"	"the_geom"	"2"	"-1"
"POINT"	"192264"	"7"	"\N"

The unidade_federativa table was changed to "uf", and this
layer i can show normaly, but the others I cant.

Just to refresh...this the mapserver log:

2004,956,,CARTAFRETE,0,-53.247827 -28.911916
-48.764170 -24.428259,-51.005999 -26.670088,cidade
,msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer
named 'cidade'. <br>
prep_DB(): Query error. Error executing POSTGIS  DECLARE
(the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY
from ˜â WHERE Àâ && setSRID('BOX3D(-53.247827
-28.9119161133333,-48.76417 -24.4282591133333)'::BOX3D,
find_srid('','˜â','Àâ') )'

I think that one of the problems, could be a code page
problem, because where shows "Àâ" should be "the_geom".

The database is running on a RedHat 9, Postgres (7.4.3) +
Postgis (0.8.1).

And Mapserver(4.0.1) is running on WinXP, (apache-2.0.48)

Any idea about my problem?



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