[postgis-users] Postgres User Problem(newbie)

Pericles S. Nacionales nacional at cbs.umn.edu
Mon Jun 21 08:20:38 PDT 2004

It sounds like "pg" doesn't have permission to do much of anything.  If
you are using psql, try running this statement as db-admin (replace
<tablename> with your table names):
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE <tablename> TO pg;

This will allow "pg" to read your tables.  If you're using pgadmin3, the
mouse is your friend.

To can learn more about PostgreSQL users and privileges, go to

Perry N.

On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 07:05, Daniel Draws wrote:
> Hi all!
> I've tried the installation instructions from the postgis site
> (http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation.php), beginning with
> rpm(or emerge) and then the createlang...
> I have a problem with the following scenario (Linux: Fedora Core 1,
> Gentoo). I have 2 users on my postgresql installation. The postgres user
> is the db-admin. And I have another user (pg). PG has created a new
> database called gistest. But he can not execute the postgis scripts for
> installing the postgis functions, tables ,...
> If the postgres user executes the scripts in pg's database, pg can't 
> use the created functions, tables,...
> Is there any solution for this problem?
> thx
> daniel
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Pericles S. Nacionales <nacional at cbs.umn.edu>
University of Minnesota

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