[postgis-users] Re: postgis-users Digest, Vol 17, Issue 28

Juan Marín Otero jmo at tragsatec.es
Wed Mar 17 23:09:25 PST 2004

> It is that time of year again (conference time) so I am going to ask my
> annual question(s):
>     Who are you?

Juan Marín, GIS Analyst & Programmer

>     What are you using PostGIS for?

For the moment, I am testing its capabilities and performance as a spatial
database backend

>     Why did you choose PostGIS?

Free, open source product. Relies on a well known database as PostgreSQL.
Complies with OGC standards. Considering alternative to
ArcSDE for some applications.

>     What makes you happy about your PostGIS installation?
It performs SO MUCH BETTER on my linux box than ArcSDE & Oracle with same
data. I can use SQL to do spatial operations on data,
which speeds development of many applications. It is becoming a standard
data format for many open source software such
as Mapserver, Geoserver, etc. And last but not least, it doesn't require a
beast of a machine to start going.

>     What makes you unhappy about your PostGIS installation?

It is a bit tricky for newbies. I have not done it yet, but updating sounds
painful. It would be great to integrate optional
libraries (GEOS, PROJ) into the same package as postgis, I don't know if
there are licensing or technical issues that prevent this.

> Those who want to remain in confidence, but still want to make their
> feelings known, please respond to me directly.
> Otherwise, answers to the list, so all can enjoy!
> Thanks!
> Paul


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End of postgis-users Digest, Vol 17, Issue 28

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