[postgis-users] Anti-meridian and polar polygon question

Richard_D_Levine at raytheon.com Richard_D_Levine at raytheon.com
Thu Oct 21 06:48:09 PDT 2004

In a feeble attempt to amuse his dog, Ken Tenaka wrote:

"does anyone know of other spatially enabled databases that can also do
this, either free or commercial?"

This comes from an Oracle forum where somebody else asked exactly the same

 From: Oracle, Gary Smith 02-Mar-04                                                                                   
 Subject: Re : Oracle Spatial and                                                                                     
 geodec behavior                                                                                                      
 Oracle Spatial's geodetic model allows                                                                               
 customers to specify geodetic                                                                                        
 geometries that span the 180 meridian,                                                                               
 and also geometries that encompass a                                                                                 
 pole (for example a polygon geometry                                                                                 
 that follows the 70 degree latitude                                                                                  
 line could represent a polygon that                                                                                  
 looks like a hat that covers a pole).                                                                                
 When associating a geodetic SRID with                                                                                
 a geometry, Oracle uses great circle                                                                                 
 distances between consecutive points                                                                                 
 that define the geometry.                                                                                            
 For linestrings, Oracle will always                                                                                  
 choose the smaller great circle                                                                                      
 distance when evaluating consecutive                                                                                 
 points in a geodetic linestring.                                                                                     
 Oracle Spatial rules enforce that no                                                                                 
 two consecutive points in a geodetic                                                                                 
 linestring can be equal to or greater                                                                                
 than 1/2 the distance of the great                                                                                   
 circle apart. You can define a                                                                                       
 linestring where the sum of the                                                                                      
 distances of all the linesegments that                                                                               
 make up the linestring exceeds 1/2 the                                                                               
 Earth's great circle distance.                                                                                       
 Similar for polygons. A polygon                                                                                      
 element associated with a geodetic                                                                                   
 SRID will choose the direction around                                                                                
 the world that is associated with less                                                                               
 than 1/2 the surface area of the                                                                                     
 Earth. Outer rings still need to                                                                                     
 maintain counter clockwise direction.                                                                                
 Inner rings or voids are specified in                                                                                
 a clockwise direction.                                                                                               
 Oracle Spatial rules enforce that no                                                                                 
 polygon element in a geodetic polygon                                                                                
 can have a surface area equal to or                                                                                  
 greater than 1/2 the surface area of                                                                                 
 the Earth. You can define a polygon                                                                                  
 where the sum of the polygon element                                                                                 
 areas that make up the geodetic                                                                                      
 polygon exceeds half the surface area                                                                                
 of the Earth.                                                                                                        
 Hope this helps. Thanks.                                                                                             

|         |           "Ken Tanaka" <Ken.Tanaka at noaa.gov>|
|         |           Sent by:                          |
|         |           postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refr|
|         |           actions.net                       |
|         |                                             |
|         |                                             |
|         |           10/20/2004 02:12 PM               |
|         |           Please respond to PostGIS Users   |
|         |           Discussion                        |
|         |                                             |
  |                                                                                              |
  |       To:       postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net                                        |
  |       cc:                                                                                    |
  |       Subject:  [postgis-users] Anti-meridian and polar polygon question                     |


 I'm new to this list and have a general question on PostGIS's
capabilities. I spent a little time searching the list archives, but
didn't see this question asked before. Are polygons that cross the
anti-meridian (international date line) or encircle the poles allowed?

For example is it valid to define a 2x1 degree Pacific box with lon,lat
coordinates of 179,0 -179,0 -179,1 179,1? Could I then expect to get
correct area calculations or select other geometry within 100km of this

(text diagram, use monospaced font)
179,1   :   -179,1
  |     :    |
179,0   :   -179,0

I was also wondering if PostGIS can similarly deal with a polygon that
goes around a pole, like the coastline of Antarctica?

The Informix DB with the Geodetic Datablade option handles these, but
does anyone know of other spatially enabled databases that can also do
this, either free or commercial? I'm involved with a system design team
that is monitoring GIS capabilities available.


= Geospatial Data Services Group ==================
| CIRES, National Geophysical Data Center / NOAA  |
| 303-497-6221                                    |
= Ken.Tanaka(a)noaa.gov ===========================

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