[postgis-users] circular arcs in postgis?

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Thu Oct 28 09:04:00 PDT 2004

That depends on what the meaning of "handle" is, and "rudimentary". :)
The classic "solution" to dealing with arcs and whatnot in a simple  
features environment is to convert them to simple features at load  
time.  So the arc gets replaced with an interpolated line that closely  
approximates its shape.  How does that sound?

On 28-Oct-04, at 9:29 AM, Hubert Fröhlich wrote:

> I am using postgis for storing and processing land register data.
> However, unfortunately, in our data model, the real estate plots are  
> some kind of "multipolygon", however not in the "OGC Simple Feature  
> for  SQL" sense - which restricts borders to straight lines
> ( in GML:
> <gml:LineStringSegment>
> <gml:pos> 4547584.06 5317944.32 </gml:pos>
> <gml:pos> 4547590.66 5317944.07 </gml:pos>
> </gml:LineStringSegment>
> )
> , but also with cicrular arcs allowed as borders:
> e.g. in GML
> <gml:Arc interpolation="circularArc3Points">
> <gml:pos> 4547582.29 5317942.87 </gml:pos>
> <gml:pos> 4547582.92 5317943.89 </gml:pos>
> <gml:pos> 4547584.06 5317944.32 </gml:pos>
> </gml:Arc>
> I know this is a rather complicated issue - and I can't avoid it  
> because the "data model" is from the good old days of analog mapping,  
> measuring and calculating ,
> I know that things (calculations) might turn really VERY complicated,  
> but - is there a chance to extend Postgis data handling so such data  
> types, maybe only in a rudimentary way?
> Greetings,
> Hubert
> --  
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --------
> Dr.-Ing. Hubert Fröhlich			
> Bezirksfinanzdirektion München 			
> Alexandrastr. 3, D-80538 München, GERMANY
> Tel. :+49 (0)89 / 2190 - 2980
> Fax  :+49 (0)89 / 2190 - 2997
> hubert dot froehlich at bvv dot bayern dot de
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