[postgis-users] bulk conversion from shapefiles

Pierrick Brihaye pierrick.brihaye at culture.gouv.fr
Mon Sep 20 01:00:47 PDT 2004


Paul Ramsey a écrit :

> These directions are only suitable for loading N shape files into 1 
> table, and the assumption is that all the shape files have identical 
> properties (SRS and geometry type).

For sure.

So I wonder whether it would be possible to have :

1) an argument that only outputs the CREATE TABLE statements in order to 
allow editing before actual import.

2) the ability to pass a "loose" type (i.e. GEOMETRY)

3) the ability to pass a set of SRS, something like -s 27581,27582,27583...

Point 3 would however require a more complex processing for 


Pierrick Brihaye, informaticien
Service régional de l'Inventaire
DRAC Bretagne
mailto:pierrick.brihaye at culture.gouv.fr
+33 (0)2 99 29 67 78

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