[postgis-users] ArcGIS Data Interoperability Extension

Michael Mallete mrmallete at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 30 23:04:44 PDT 2004

i believe it's being packaged as an extension, so
another purchase needs to be made. dunno how much

>Is this an extension, or a core part of ArcGIS?  E.g.
do >I have to license
>it separately?  Anyone know how much?

yeah, it's a product created by esri in cooperation
with safe software. here's an the news article:


a great step forward indeed. though of course, sde is
still esri's baby. :)

>But this is through FME, right?  While I think this
is >a great step
>forward, I don't think it will provide the same
degree >of interactive
>operation against a PostGIS database that you get
>operating against
>SDE, or even shapefiles or a geodatabase.

have a nice day everyone! :)


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