[postgis-users] Invalid Geometry Error

Jackson Luong jluong at geoarctic.com
Fri Aug 26 09:25:22 PDT 2005

Hello All, I'm fairly new to PostgreSQL and PostGIS and I have a fairly 
basic question ...

I'm trying to Update a Geometry column with the following SQL statement, 
but I keep getting an 'Invalid Geometry Error'

*UPDATE "parcels" SET "the_geom" = 
GeometryFromText('MULTIPOLYGON((793917.91 55313182.31, 795797.70 
5513182.31, 795696.09 5511539.62, 793342.13 5511556.55, 793917.91 
5513182.31))', 26911) WHERE "PARCEL_ID"='123456'*

Can someone please point out the error of my ways?  Thanks in Advance ...

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