[postgis-users] bugs in postgis-1.0RC2 with postgres 7.2.1

alex bodnaru alexbodn at 012.net.il
Sun Feb 6 19:31:24 PST 2005

hello friends,

i am doing debian packaging for postgis.
the package works great in sarge (all tests pass as expected), but has
few problems in woody:

1. in run_index_regress, i am getting "ERROR:  fmgr_info: function 0:
cache lookup failed", and the index is not been made.
2. the DEBUG conditional macro is being allways defined
in /usr/include/postgresql/server/utils/elog.h. it might be better to
use a more postgis related macro, like POSTGIS_DEBUG.
3. the java compiler available free with woody will not compile the
jdbc2. maybe language should be more conservative, as in jdbc.

i am willing to do any test to help fixing postgis problems.

debian package for sarge is ready to be released, but i'd like to have
more testing. if anybody interested please contact me.

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