[postgis-users] overlapping of two geometries with different coordinatsystem

Achim Weßling achim.wessling at gt-net.de
Tue Jun 21 06:49:02 PDT 2005


I've a postgis-table with some attributes and geometry-column with the
SRID 25832. Now I want to make a spatialquery in which I use another
SRID like follows:

SELECT * FROM pktlage
WHERE point_etrs89 && setSRID('BOX3D(3439540.0 5766038.0,3440650.83
5767171.05)'::box3d, 31467);

The result is empty, but I know for sure there have to be some hits.
Isn't it possible to use two different SRID's in one query?

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Achim Weßling
INFOKOM Gütersloh AöR
Fachbereich II - Technische Anwendungen
Herzebrocker Str. 140
33334 Gütersloh
Tel.: 05241/85-2926
Achim.Wessling at gt-net.de

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