[postgis-users] Projection questions

Markus Schaber schabi at logix-tt.com
Fri Jun 24 00:30:41 PDT 2005

Hi, Debbie,

Paul Ramsey wrote:

> You would first INSERT a new row into the SPATIAL_REF_SYS table, with
> the WKT, the PROJ4 and other info, along with whatever SRID you like.
> Then run shp2pgsql using the -s flag and your new made-up SRID. Having
> done that, you will find that the transform() function works as advertised.
> If you are never planning on using transform(), you can just ignore your
> SRID, but that's bad data management practice (what if someone else
> comes along and wants to use your data).

This will shurely fix your problem, and is the way to go.

But additionally, I ask you to submit all the info you have about the
projection including where you got the info to the EPSG, and it is
likely that they will include it in the next update of their database.

They have a rather ugly feedback formular, and a mailing list you can
subscribe to get informed about new updates of their databases. While
the EPSG main site can be found at http://www.epsg.org/, their geoparam
database work is located at

This is what happened with "Soldner Berlin" when I noticed that this was


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