[postgis-users] Error while importing data

Markus Schaber markus at schabi.de
Thu Mar 24 09:06:52 PST 2005

Hi, Stephen,

Markus Schaber schrieb:

> Another performance tip: If your table is read-only (which is almost
> always the case for map data), you may also benefit from CLUSTERing your
> table on the geometry index. To be able to do this, you will either have
> to add a not null constraint to your geometry column, or use a partial
> index that skips NULL values (CREATE INDEX ... WHERE the_geom is not null).

I have to correct this statement: All postgresql versions I checked
cannot CLUSTER on a partial index.

However, the other method using the not null constraint does work.


Markus Schaber - http://schabi.de/

But hey!, Standard compliance is something we should strive for, so
let's try and change the Standard :-) [Alexandre Oliva, GCC Developer]
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