[postgis-users] query results not returning: unique problems

Purvis, Charlton cpurvis at asg.sc.edu
Wed May 4 04:18:40 PDT 2005

Graeme, if there is a reward out there for the best eye on the list, you
deserve 10 times that number of gold stars.  I was going numb w/ frustration
at not being able to figure out why I was getting zero results.  And you
caught it!  Thank you so much.  Not only was that a goof that would make WFS
unhappy, the results I would have returned would have been misleading.  I
think you just helped save the planet.


From: Graeme Leeming [mailto:gleeming at refractions.net]
Sent: Wed 5/4/2005 2:49 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] query results not returning: unique problems


Not sure if this is the problem, but your query returns two columns with the

same name: 

wind_speed as wind_speed_mps 
normalized_wind_speed as wind_speed_mps 

Graeme Leeming 
Refractions Research Inc. 

"Purvis, Charlton" wrote: 

> Hi, folks: 
> Paul, you may or may not remember the 1st time you saved my hide when my 
> query results all of a sudden disappeared.  And it turned out to be
> my OID's grew too big.  I slapped my own unique sequence on there, and all

> was well. 
> Unfortunately, the symptom has returned for only one table inside this DB.

> It was possible that my new sequence had gotten unwieldy, so I reset the 
> sequence to start at 1 and then COPY-ed in a fresh table.  I double
> and my sequence max is reasonable < 1,000,000.  But I still can't see any 
> results.  I'm talking WFS here, and I am positive that data should be 
> returning.  I can get a WMS image from a similar query, but no WFS.
> what made me suspicious about the seq. 
> Does anyone see any glaring problems below: 
>     DATA "the_geom from (select station_id, time_stamp, label_z,
> as wind_speed_mps, wind_speed_knots, wind_speed_mph, normalized_wind_speed

> as wind_speed_mps, normalized_wind_speed_knots, normalized_wind_speed_mph,

> wind_from_direction, wind_from_direction_compass, can_be_normalized, 
> the_geom, seq from wind_prod) as foo USING UNIQUE seq USING SRID=-1" 
> I've done a fix_geometry_columns();.  Is there anything else I can do to 
> tell PostGIS or MapServer that, hey, listen up, these are unique, dangit!?

> postgresql-7.4.1 postgis-0.8.1 
> Thanks, 
> Charlton 
> Charlton Purvis 
> (803) 777-8858 : voice 
> (803) 777-3935 : fax 
> cpurvis at sc.edu 
> Baruch Institute 
> University of South Carolina 
> Columbia, SC 29208 
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