[postgis-users] some advice

Eildert Groeneveld Eildert.Groeneveld at fal.de
Tue May 10 08:12:23 PDT 2005

Dear List

this is a mail from an (totally) uninitiated or ignorant person asking for 
some advice.

We are currently developing an open source gene bank system which records 
samples of genetic resources (i.e. breeds of animals in agriculture) on a 
world wide scale. Together with the sample of somatic cells i.e. small skin 
clippings GPS coordinates are recorded. Along with some other data this goes 
into a database.

What we would like to do:
1. for a set of GPS coordinates show a map that indicates the sample sites.
2. perhaps be able to use different kind of maps like rain fall, altitudes 
3. every piece of software including the maps used should be GPL or Open 
4. we are currently using PostGresql but we would like to be independent of 
the backend. Thus no PG specific features are used.
5. the system is writen in Perl and Perl/Tk

I am sure that there are loads of people here who could point me into the 
right direction. As a first step firing up a map that displays the location 
of a number of samples (10 or 20) would be great.

perhaps someone can help.

Eildert Groeneveld
Institute for Animal Breeding
Mariensee 31535 Neustadt Germany
Tel : (+49)(0)5034 871155 Fax : (+49)(0)5034 871239
e-mail: eildert.groeneveld at fal.de http://vce.tzv.fal.de/index.pl
http://www.tzv.fal.de/~eg/ http://apiis.tzv.fal.de/index.pl

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