[postgis-users] Re: postgis-users Digest, Vol 31, Issue 64

Miguel R. Luaces luaces at enxenio.es
Fri May 27 07:34:44 PDT 2005

>What is it these multipolygon???
>USA map ???

No, it is not.

It is the border of the province of A Coruña (Spain). We are evaluating 
whether migrating a GIS to PostGIS is a good idea in terms of efficiency. 
You can have a look at the current version of the GIS at 
http://www.dicoruna.es/webeiel/ [Be warned, propietary software, IE only]

We created a SQL script to insert the province boundaries into PostGIS and 
it took that much time. On the other hand, inserting the boundaries of the 
94 municipalities (94 geometries with 500000 vertices) took only 5 minutes.

Why does this happen? It seems that PostGIS has an efficiency problem with 
very large geometries.

Best regards,

Dr. Miguel R. Luaces          luaces at enxenio.es
Enxenio SL                    http://www.enxenio.es
Estrada dos Baños de Arteixo, Edif. San Cristovo, Portal B, 2º Esq.
15008 A Coruña (Spain)        Tlf./Fax.: 981 913 768

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