[postgis-users] intersection() box2d

Martin Weiße weisse at terrestris.de
Mon May 30 03:32:22 PDT 2005

Hi Users!

Is it possible to use BOX2D within the 'intersection'-command?

e.g.: select intersection(GeometryFromText('BOX2D(2578271 
5622034,2579725 5623110)'), GeometryFromText('LINESTRING(2578664.06 
5623016.69,2583790.06 5624136.29)'))

With BOX3D it seems not to work. But perhaps with BOX2D...

used versions:

Postgresql 7.4.6
PostGis 0.9

Thanks & Cheers




terrestris GbR
Martin Weiße
Siemensstr. 8
D-53121 Bonn

T: ++49 (0)228 - 962 899 51
F: ++49 (0)228 - 962 899 57

Internet: www.terrestris.de
E-Mail: weisse at terrestris.de

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