[postgis-users] pgsql2shp and glibc memory issues

Ken-ichi kueda at nature.berkeley.edu
Fri Sep 2 15:12:19 PDT 2005

Hi all.  I'm trying to run pgsql2shp with a particularly ornery query 
and I keep getting errors like

Preparing table for user query... *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid 
next size (normal): 0x0805fe80 ***


Preparing table for user query... *** glibc detected *** double free or 
corruption (!prev): 0x0805fe80 ***

Here's a version of the query (with line breaks added) that yields the 
former error:

    pp.pointid, p.plotkey, p.map, c.county, pp.the_geom AS the_geom, 
s.genus AS genus, s.species AS species
    pg_plot p 
    JOIN pg_tree_tally x ON p.pid=x.pid 
    JOIN plot_points pp ON p.plotkey=pp.plotkey 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_species_codes s ON x.tree_species=s.code 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sp_source_lu lu ON s.source=lu.source 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN plot_counties_lu c ON c.plotkey=pp.plotkey  
    AND (
        (   map NOT IN ('104B', '108', '129', '180', '191', '192A', 
'64D', '65D')   
            AND ( x.tree_species='A' OR x.tree_species='Qa' )   
            OR (   
                (x.tree_species='A' AND p.map IN ('104B', '108', '129', 
'180', '191', '192A', '64D', '65D'))   
                OR (x.tree_species='Lit A' AND p.map IN ('104B', '108'))   
                OR (x.tree_species='Qa' AND p.map IN ('64D', '65D'))  

Yeah, not exactly pretty or well put together or anything, but it runs 
fine in psql and in a Mapserver layer.  I'm running postgis 1.0 and 
PostgreSQL 8.0.1.  Can anyone tell me what these error messages mean?

Ken-ichi Ueda
Kelly Research and Outreach Lab (http://kellylab.berkeley.edu)
University of California, Berkeley
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
Berkeley, CA 94720
tel: 510.642.8322
fax: 510.642.1477
e-mail: kueda at nature.berkeley.edu

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