[postgis-users] I have an ArcGIS-PostGIS connector.

Didrik Pinte dpinte at itae.be
Tue Sep 6 00:38:03 PDT 2005

On Mon, 5 Sep 2005 18:24:39 -0400, "Abe Gillespie"
<abe.gillespie at gmail.com> said:
> Well, the code as it stands now, is still very much in the state of
> proof-of-concepting (though it is pretty well designed).  So even if
> we were to get a read-only version going it would still take a little
> work.  I'm soliciting for additional help on the project to get things
> going.  I not only need help coding, but also help with Open Source
> licensing, Open Source project management, etc., as I've yet to get
> directly involved with Open Source projects.
> -Abe

I would be very interested in helping the project. I'm already involved
in some OSS projects and will have some time for tests and bugs
reporting ;-)


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