[postgis-users] Problem with 'using unique' in Mapserver DATA statement

Debbie Pagurek dpagurek at yahoo.ca
Wed Sep 7 09:25:57 PDT 2005

I seem to have a problem using UNIQUE indexes in my MapServer Data 

This doesn't work:
DATA "geom from (select geom, oid,gid, pearseda from pda42304) as foo 
using unique gid using SRID=42304"

But this does:
DATA "geom from (select geom, oid,gid, pearseda from pda42304) as foo 
using SRID=42304"

The error returns "ERROR:  syntax error at or near "using" at 
character 161". I don't see anything wrong!

I have the following indexes defined on my layer: idx_pda42304_oid
CREATE INDEX idx_pda42304_oid ON pda42304 USING btree (oid)

CREATE INDEX idx_pda42304_pearseda ON pda42304 USING btree (pearseda)

CREATE INDEX pda42304_gidx ON pda42304 USING gist (geom)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pda42304_pkey ON pda42304 USING btree (gid)

Any suggestions? I hope I've just missed something obvious. Also, I used 
to have similar statements working,even ones that transformed 
coordinates, so I can't figure out what has changed.

D. Pagurek
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