[postgis-users] Tiger Geocoder from Refractions

Mark Leslie mark at refractions.net
Wed Sep 7 10:25:17 PDT 2005

There was a bit of normalization put into the data for the geocoder.  
Looking through the
script, the tables we seem to need are roads_local, tiger_geocode_roads 
and tiger_geocode_join.  roads_local
is basically the results of ogr2ogr.  We did some processing to extract 
county and zipcode boundaries
and such.  tiger_geocode_roads is a subset of roads_local.  It looks 
like: (id integer, fedirp char(2), fename char(30),
fetype char(4), fedirs char(2), zip char(6), state varchar(64), county 
varchar(64), cousub varchar(64), place varchar(64), geom geometry).
tiger_geocode_join links the two.  I've been looking for the scripts I 
used to generate the but I think they were a
casualty of a recent disk space shortage, but this should give you 
something to work with.

Jamie Taylor wrote:

>Hi -
>I've be trying to get the Tiger Geocoder that is
>downloadable from the Refractions web site working.
>I have loaded the Tiger Line data (for other reasons)
>into a PostGIS enabled database, using ogr2ogr...but
>the references in the two SQL files don't look
>anything like the relations I have from my Tiger load
>(e.g., tiger_geocode_roads.*)
>I'm guessing there is some normalization step that is
>assumed to have taken place, or some other loading
>process that people have used.
>Thoughts? Help/Suggestions? Has anyone made this work?
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