[postgis-users] importing shape files nightmare!

Gérald Fenoy djayweb at djayux.net
Thu Sep 15 06:50:04 PDT 2005

Well ....
I've just downloaded the lastest 1.0.4 version of postgis from  
postgis.org and I see that the shp2pgsql.c as the same date  
(2005/08/29 22:36:14) so the problem couldn't came from here I think.
Concerning the geos and proj support you must set proj and geos in  
your USE flags, for more support information use emerge -pv postgis,  
here you've see all the support (red are supports enabled and  blue  
are those disabled). To simplify you must reemerge postgis with the  
specified flags, for example you could simply use this command line :
USE="proj geos" emerge -v postgis
(or -pv to ensure that you'll effectively use geos and proj support).

Hope that help.

Le 15 sept. 05 à 15:37, christomec a écrit :

> I have now emerged postgis-1.0.4_p20050914.ebuild, but it seems  
> that the
> original problems weren't solved. Trying to import a shape file still
> fails.
> trying:
> shp2pgsql -c /tmp/streets.shp streets | psql -d dbname
> ERROR:  unterminated quoted string at or near
> "'010500000001000000010200000005000000D670917BBAA6394034BDC458A6E940C0 
> 2C9ACE4E06A73940A911FA997AE940C0BEF561BD51A7394"
> at character 292
> LINE 1: ...TRAND','0687-0890-000','0687-0890-000_6TH  
> AVENUE','010500000...
> and trying:
> shp2pgsql -D /tmp/streets.shp streets dbname > /tmp/streets.sql
> Shapefile type: Arc
> Postgis type: MULTILINESTRING[2]
> Segmentation fault
> shp2pgsql
> RCSID: $Id: shp2pgsql.c,v 1.96 2005/08/29 22:36:25 strk Exp $
> select postgis_full_version();
> Where is geos and proj4?
> cat /etc/portage/package.keywords
> dev-db/postgis ~x86
> sci-libs/proj ~x86
> sci-libs/geos ~x86
>> Attached is a patch to bring shp2pgsql.c from Revision 1.91
>> to Revision 1.96 (the one shipped with PostGIS 1.0.4).
>> If you don't have the sources that's ... well ... sad :(
>> You can still download latest release sources (1.0.4),
>> run make in the loader/ directory and replace your dumper/loader
>> with the newly created ones.
>> .. you can read by the end of the patch all changes
>> in shp2pgsql since 1.91 ...
>> --strk;
>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 12:28:25PM +0200, christomec wrote:
>>> I get:
>>> RCSID: $Id: shp2pgsql.c,v 1.91 2005/07/04 09:47:03 strk Exp $
>>> Is there a way of just fixing the shp2pgsql without having to
>>> re-emerging
>>> postgis?
>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 11:58:29AM +0200, strk at refractions.net  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 11:52:08AM +0200, christomec wrote:
>>>>>> So is POSTGIS="1.1.0CVS" is in actual fact 1.0.3?
>>>>> Might be, the 1.1 and 1.0 are two different branches in CVS,
>>>>> and 1.1.0CVS is there since about 1.0.0 is out... there's no
>>>>> easy way to tell which version of the code 1.1.0CVS is.
>>>>> Since this is a bug with pgsql2shp what you should look at
>>>>> is RCSID from it. It is shown running pgsql2shp w/out arguments.
>>>> Oops.. sorry, it's shp2pgsql (the loader), NOT pgsql2shp (the  
>>>> dumper).
>>>> The RCSID is still shown when called w/out args
>>>> --strk;
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