[postgis-users] create a dataset with a name I already used before

david techer davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Fri Sep 23 02:36:38 PDT 2005


select dropgeometrytable('your_table','geom_column')


drop table your_table

I'm not sure...

perhaps Sandro can tell me if I'm right or not

Jean David TECHER
35 Allée d'Irlande
34080 Montpellier
Tél: 04 67 45 60 27
e-mail: davidtecher(at)yahoo(dot)fr
sites: http://www.postgis.fr

Giorgio Plazzotta a écrit :

> I apologize if the problem i am reporting has already been treated 
> before. When I delete a table in the PG database maybe there is some 
> reference that continue to refer to that name, in fact I cannot use 
> that table name anymore when I create another dataset.
> What do I have to do?
> Giorgio
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