[postgis-users] when rasters in Postgis?

Giorgio Plazzotta giorgio.plazzotta at sarasricerche.it
Sun Sep 25 14:04:01 PDT 2005

my question was not really to know if or how t was possible to manage raster 
data in a mapserver cause i already use a lot of them. in some cases i keep 
them as they are, in other cases i create different  quality images to be 
used at different scales and in other i used the raster tileindexing. it's 
ok. but as all the vector files can now be collected inside a geodatabase 
the raster files remains outside. In some projects, such has the Terabytes 
of satellite data, maybe it can be convenient to leave the files outside, 
but in other situations maybe it would be better to insert them inside the 
geodatabase together will all the vector files. This is not a strange idea 
considering that the most important gis companies already manage this 
feature since several years. Of course it's not only a problem of order and 
packaging cause the geodatabase will offer also interestng funcionalities 
and perfomance issues. My real interest was in knowing if the developers of 
PostGis are thinking at this improvement but i am glad also to partecipate 
at a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of inserting the data 
inside the geodatabase or leave them as external files. I tried to ask the 
list before about the performance difference between splitting a large 
vector file into several tiles managed through a tileindex or inserting it 
inside postgis, but nobody answered.

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