[postgis-users] data loading problem

Chris Everhart chris_everhart at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 27 11:30:07 PDT 2005

Hello all,

I am having a problem loading data to a database.  I am using a hosting 
service that includes PostGIS and I have recently been moved to a different 
server.  When I run the command "psql -p 5434 -d BernaNM -f den_jeffZip.sql" 
(den_jeffZip.sql was created with shp2pgsql), this is the output:

-jailshell-2.05b$ psql -p 5434 -d BernaNM -f den_jeffZip.sql
psql:den_jeffZip.sql:2: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 
"den_jeffzip_gid_seq" for serial column "den_jeffzip.gid"
public.den_jeffzip.the_geom SRID:-1 TYPE:MULTIPOLYGON DIMS:2
geometry_column fixed:0
(1 row)

When I get into the database and do a "\d" command, the new table does not 
show.  Also, I did a "select * from geometry_columns;" command and the table 
has not been updated.  I've tried several SQL insert files that have worked 
in the past and none have yielded any results.

Does the admin have to change any permissions on my account?  Any other 

Thanks people.


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