[postgis-users] Data from function inside mapserver

Josh Livni josh at livniconsulting.com
Sat Apr 15 12:14:15 PDT 2006


Thanks for the response, and the help in IRC.  Here's the synopsis of 
the IRC conversation for anyone who cares:

I turned on statement logging.  You then noted that the 'absence of a 
USING UNIQUE clause is making mappostgis append the OID::text clause to 
your SQL'...

So - it looks like I need to have my function return some kind of unique 
column (oid or gid or whatever), and specify that in my DATA string.

I'll let you know if I run into further troubles with this.

Thanks again,


Paul Ramsey wrote:
> This is the correct form below.
> On 15-Apr-06, at 11:30 AM, Josh Livni wrote:
>> PS I also tried [DATA "the_geom from (select * from get_symbolized...) 
>> as foo using srid=5555"] to no avail
> Does "select * from get_symbolized(...)" in psql return a result set 
> (like a select on a table or view)?  If so, is one of the columns named 
> "the_geom"?  If so, then I am running out of ideas, left only with 
> replacing the "*" in your select query with a properly itemized list of 
> column names.
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