[postgis-users]postgis database connection failed.

srini at linuxsysadmin.net srini at linuxsysadmin.net
Thu Aug 3 12:18:59 PDT 2006

Hi all,

I am trying to load the shp file into postgis and i am getting the
conection failed error message. The user i am using is the owner of the
database and the firewall is turned on in windows xp. Can some one help me
in knowing what can be the possible reasons for it?

C:\Documents and Settings\user\My
Documents\data\shapefiles\country>ogr2ogr -f "
PostgreSQL" "PG:dbname=rebuild user=user password=password" countyp020.shp
ERROR 1: PGconnectcb failed.
could not create socket: Address family not supported (0x0000273F/10047)

ERROR 1: PostgreSQL driver doesn't currently support database creation.
Please create database with the `createdb' command.
PostgreSQL driver failed to create PG:dbname=rebuild user=user

Thank you in advance,

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