[postgis-users]postgis database connection failed.

srini at linuxsysadmin.net srini at linuxsysadmin.net
Thu Aug 3 15:59:33 PDT 2006

Hi Steffen,

Thank you for your reply.

> Does the database "rebuild" exist? Please create it, e.g. using pgAdmin.
> You will also have to run the script lwpostgis.sql in the new "rebuild"
> database
> in order to have PostGIS support for that database.

I am using  PostgreSQL 8.1 for windows with lqpostgis.sql applied to
template 1 during the installation of PostgreSQL. I used PGAdmin to create
the rebuild database using template 1.

> In addition, your command is missing the host parameter. I assume that
> the database is
> running on the same host:

Yes the database is runnning on localhost

> ogr2ogr -f "
> PostgreSQL" "PG:dbname=rebuild user=user password=password
> host=localhost" countyp020.shp

The whole setup is on windows xp running in vmware 5.1.
Am sure i am doing something silly. I am not able to think of reasons for
the error.


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