[postgis-users] Voronoi / Dalaunay function (again)
Mark Fenbers
Mark.Fenbers at noaa.gov
Fri Feb 3 06:23:19 PST 2006
Attached (as promised yesterday) is an ASCII file giving the SQL to
produce voronoi polygons given a set of points.
marco vieira wrote:
> Hi list.
> Someone writes a function to make a 2D Voronoi diagram from a set of
> points? Something like select voronoi(collect(geom)) from points
> I found many posts in 2004 about a Delaunay triangulation function and
> the last post from Erwan
> http://postgis.refractions.net/pipermail/postgis-users/2004-October/005989.html
> show me that something was implementing...
> --
> Marco Vieira
> +55 21 9499-6800
> e-mail: maovieira at gmail.com <mailto:maovieira at gmail.com>
>postgis-users mailing list
>postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
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